Authors everywhere have declared independence from old school publishing, so to celebrate this year’s Independence Day, I’m holding a giveaway of the audiobook version of The Grave Blogger! Not only is The Grave Blogger a really cool indie book (sure, I might be a little biased since I wrote it!), but the audiobook version is the ultimate indie book experience. Declare your independence from having to turn pages or hold an ereader! Kick back and listen to the story unfold!
It’s easy to enter this contest and win a free unabridged audiobook. Simply click on the down arrow below to answer the question to earn one entry, and then feel free to earn additional entries by “liking” my Facebook author page, following me on Twitter, or tweeting about the contest. Follow the instructions in the box below to enter. Contest begins on July 4th, 2013 and ends at 12:00 a.m. on 7/9/13 CST. Good luck!
P.S. Want to listen to a sample? Go here and click the sample link below the image.